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Fair Trade, Eco and Ethical

Choc-affair, UK

Choc-affair is a small family run business based in York, UK that manufactures and packages everything by hand, working with high quality chocolate. This used to be done under the Fairtrade label but Choc-affair have pulled out of this because of its high administrative costs. It still aims to "make a difference" through its ethical policies both overseas and in the UK.

Choc-affair set up "Seeds of Hope" providing child sponsorship support where there is a real need for it amongst the extreme poverty and HIV crisis in Kumi, Uganda. Seeds of Hope looks at the child's needs overall rather than just their education. Some children quite straightforwardly need their school fees paid, whilst others need to be removed from their family situation due to being at risk, and placed in a boarding school. Other children need to be taught life-skills - i.e. dressmaking, farming, etc. to allow them to earn a living, as mainstream education is not right for them. In some cases, it might be a start-up business grant to enable a young person with a good idea to get started.